Sunday, June 21, 2009


The social networking sites have brought a revolution in our lives by almost changing the way we socialize and interact.Extremely popular,these sites have people from all age groups glued to them.Be it a collegiate trying to stay connected with school friends or an old couple logging on to see the pictures of their grandchildren in another country,everyone has his or her own reasons for logging on.

Tanvi,an 18-year old who has an account on both Facebook and Orkut says,"I make it a point that I go online everyday and update my profile regularly." And she is not the one to do so on a regular basis.The popularity of these sites can be measured by the fact that they have millions of users worldwide.Facebook was in news recently for having 200 million users worldwide.Now this surely is some following!

These sites are a blessing for people who are apprehensive of approaching people directly or are introverts.This helps them interact with others and make more friends this way.Social Networking Sites have also made being in touch with friends easy,convenient and affordable.It has helped us in maintaining contact with people who are far off.Imagine being able to chat with friends who are not in your town for almost free!Not just can we be in touch with friends,but also social networking here!

We can even upload our pictures and videos among other things on our profile so that our friends can have a sneek peek in our lives.Amit,a 20-year old does the same,"I really enjoy making new friends online.But after this recent mishap where a girl was raped by her online friend when they met,even I have become suspicious.It's not just about being a girl or a guy,you always need to be careful."

Teenagers are completely hooked onto these sites.Naina,a regular user of Facebook says,"I go online almost everyday.Although my mother scolds me at times I still try and go as often as possible." But why this addiction we ask? She answers,"I joined Facebook almost three months back.Maybe it's the novelty factor.I found a lot of my long lost friends here and also made some new ones."

But for Radha,it wasn't less than a nightmare when her son only son,Saurabh suddenly started going online almost everyday.She was afraid that her son had started watching porn.When she could not take the tension any more she decided to confront her son,"One day when Saurabh was again online,I asked him what he was doing online everyday.He told me he had made an account on Orkut and also showed me his profile.He had put many of his favourite photographs there and had already 50 friends on his list.Not only was it not expected,I was so relieved!"she chuckles.

Seeing this current trend of networking sites becoming a part of our lives,the current,it seems,is here to stay for long.

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