Monday, June 15, 2009


Keyboard shortcuts

Do you really want to reduce the strain on your hand and wrist? Then give some rest to your overworked mouse and start using keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcuts are a big time saver not only for people who work all day on the same program but also for those working with different applications or programs.

For various applications

But where do we get the various keyboard shortcuts listed in one destination?

Try, which provides a list of keyboard shortcuts for various platforms/applications.

This provides an online database of keyboard shortcuts for popular software programs, browser-based applications and operating systems.

'Quick search'

Users can search the keyboard shortcuts by program, software category and also by platforms. The supported platforms are Windows, Mac, Linux and Web applications.

You can also do a 'quick search' for Microsoft applications, Adobe applications, Google Apps, Web Browsers, E-mail programs, Photo/Imaging, MP3, and HTML Editors.

Extensive list

For instance, if you are looking for keyboard shortcuts in Internet Explorer, just enter 'Internet Explorer' in the search field. It will list out the various versions of Internet Explorer and their shortcuts in an orderly manner.

The extensive list of keyboard shortcuts displayed on the Web site is more printer-friendly.

This Web site is a must for people passionate about keyboard shortcuts.

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