Friday, August 21, 2009


Chennai: Beware of the new Conficker virus that's on the prowl to disrupt your IT system. This virus exploits Microsoft OS Vulnerability (MS08-67) and has infected more than 200 million PCs globally.

In the interest of Internet users, Chennai-based K7 Computing, a leading anti-virus company, has come out with a Conficker removal tool free of cost.

This virus can seriously compromise PC security by blocking access to security Websites (like K7 Computing, Symantec, McAfee etc), disabling Microsoft updates and Windows Security Centre, terminating security applications, and add markers for future use by malware and updating itself automatically.

The latest versions - Conficker.C and D - have been set to look for new updates on the Internet starting from April 1, 2009. It will visit a website, from a set of more than 50,000 random sites, to look for latest updates. These malware websites are expected to be enabled on April 1 to host the updated malware.

The nature of the latest update of this worm is not yet known. The virus may cause havoc by launching denial of service attacks on various websites, including security websites, attack government infrastructures, spread new malware, send out deluge of spam, steal password, credit card data, private & confidential information and destroy all vital information in a PC.

The Conficker virus has already disrupted the IT system in the British Parliament.

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